Over the past week I've been involved in two separate and incredible experiences as a Neuroblastoma mom. Unfortunately, confidentiality restrictions keep me from going into much detail, but each experience provides me with hope for our children and for the future of Neuroblastoma research and treatment.
A few months ago I was nominated to be a 'consumer reviewer' panel member for a national grant funding review committee. I represented the Neuroblastoma parent perspective on a panel of NB researchers and scientists. I challenged myself to carefully read and review each of the grant applications and provide feedback according to guidelines provided. The research proposals were varied and exciting. The review took place last week over a long conference call through which I was reunited with one of Hans' most beloved doctors. I took this role as seriously as I could. I hope I was able to give adequate service to Hans and his compadres. I curiously await the final funding decisions.
I also had the unique opportunity to travel to DC to participate in a pediatric cancer related focus group. Again, confidentiality restrictions keep me from being able to go into much detail, but I can share that parents were brought together by a third party with the intent of doing better for our children. It's always empowering when you bring families together with a single focus. I believe that as a group our objectives were met! Again, it will be exciting to pay attention to the outcome of group.
For fun, my friend Sally was able to tag along with me and we squeezed in some sightseeing and great dining. It was a treat to have an unexpected bonus girls trip to the nation's capitol.
I am humbled and honored to have been able to participate in each of these projects. When such opportunities come along, I do the best I am able to serve and honor these precious children of ours.
I don't know of a better representative for Hans, the other angels, and current cancer warriors! Way to go, Lara!
Thanks, Holly! Looking forward to seeing the Arizona fam soon!!
I agree with Holly! You surely did an awesome job representing Hans and all his buddies. So exciting and so happy for you!! xoxo Shelley
Thanks Shelley - xoxo I did the best I could. I fell in love with so many kiddos and they're all always on my heart.
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