About Me

My photo
Bakersfield, CA, United States
Hans was a busy, happy, sweet and fearless three year old when he was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma. He fought his disease like a "gladiator" for nearly 6 years. Hans was an animal lover to his core. He was 'guarded' at home by his three cats, Black, Orange and Cotton. He also had his Golden Retriever, Honey, to keep him company. Hans enjoyed swimming, biking, gardening, grilling (he had his very own grill!), horseback riding, playing video games, building Legos, and flipping between Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network and Animal Planet. Hans loved all members of his family and he was a loyal friend. He had to go through a lot of treatment in his life. But Hans powered through it. His attitude was let's get this done! His motivation was always to get back home, to his family, pets, favorite foods and pool.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Hans Is In Surgery

Hans went into surgery this morning as scheduled at 8:15a. Lara told me this morning on the phone that she and Kevin are 'calm'. It's going to be a long day but since school is cancelled (due to weather), their friends Megan and Phil who are in town helping with Elle, will be bringing Elle down to the hospital shortly which will be so comforting. The Weberlings were actually planning on being able to spend the night at home last night but plans changed. Hansie went in for counts yesterday and they were low so they needed to give him blood. Rather than send him home for the short while to be back at 6:30a this morning and with the extremely cold and icy weather forecasted, they decided to admit him last night. It was sorta better this way having him be there because he got to sleep in a little and the fasting he had to do wasn't a big thing at all. He was in good spirits this morning when nurses strolled him off as he waved bye to Mom and Dad. The little 'cocktail' they gave him helped out alot with the transfer.

They are in a room instead of having to wait all day in the surgery waiting room. This will be good so they can have a place to 'hang' during this long long day. The room is 905. Phone number is (832)826-0905.

Lara wanted me to tell everyone thank you so much for all of the prayers for Hans on this day.

Will keep everyone posted,


Anonymous said...

Lara, I just wanted to let you know that you and Hans are in my thoughts and prayers today. Ella and Jack are making Get Well Cards for Hans! I sent an e-mail out to all of the runners this morning. We are all praying for Hans! 14 hours to go! Be strong little man! The Whiteheads-Ella, Jack, Chris and Beth

Anonymous said...

We are praying for you all! We have all kinds of friends and family remembering Hans in prayer today also. Prayer is powerful and we know God is watching over Hans today! Keep it up Hans!
The Nolens--Mark, Michelle and Jack

Sunny said...

I am praying for Hans and donating blood today in honor of his surgery. You are in my thoughts and prayers today!


Anonymous said...

Hans, you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. We are pulling for you through your 14 hour surgery. Be strong !!!
Sally & Brian Dunphy

Anonymous said...

We are thinking of all of you and are hopeful that the time has passed okay for you. Prayers for a successful outcome and recovery have been coming your way.
We Love You.
Lisa, Scott and of course, Ivory.

Anonymous said...

We've been thinking about you and praying for you all day - anxious to hear how everything went!!
The Tresaugues - Jill, Matt, Ryan & Luke